Introducing Online Learning Applications at SD Muhammadiyah Wonorejo by Research Group Theory and Computational Physics


Surakarta- Department Physics UNS, through the Research Group Theory and Computational Physics, has done community service by holding outreach to online learning applications, namely Zenius 17 Teachers of SD Muhammadiyah Wonorejo, Polokarto District, Sukoharjo Regency.

Dr Fuad Anwar explained the reasons for using Zenius: this application has over 80 thousand free learning videos in whiteboard format. So internet quotas are the most efficient interaction between teachers and students. Live teaching facilities with live chat features, features create and send daily study plans to student and parent accounts so parents can also unify child development in real time.
The activity was carried out in 2 stages. Stage 1 was the introduction of the Zenius application, namely through desktop and mobile applications; the activity was interesting because the participants did not know this application, so they were very enthusiastic about participating. Mohtar Yunianto, M. Si, guided the training.

The next activity is to fill in the content of the application. The content included in this case is related to radiation and nuclear. At the same time, socialization is related to nuclear and radiation, which most people do not understand.

At the end of this activity, it was carried out to determine the participants’ interest in implementing the learning application. All participants were interested even though the main obstacle was the internet connection. Other agendas can provide additional knowledge and motivation to the teachers to always fight.


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