Fundamental Physics Laboratory

Dr. Fuad Anwar, S.Si., M.Si.

Head of Laboratory

The Fundamental Physics Laboratory is one of the laboratories in the Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. The Fundamental Physics Laboratory is located on the 1st floor of the UNS Integrated Laboratory Building.

Fundamental Physics Laboratory serves regular practicum (basic practicum) and practicum in the field of interest. Both types of practicum are intended for students of the Department of Physics. In its implementation, both regular practicums and practicums in the field of interest are guided by lecturers and laboratory assistants who come from final year students who have gone through prior selection. The practical topics carried out at the Fundamental Physics Laboratory are:

  1. Laboratory Work Safety
  2. Practicum Introduction
  3. Spring Practicum
  4. Density Practicum
  5. Atwood Aircraft Practicum
  6. Mathematical Pendulum Practicum
  7. Calorie Meter Practicum
  8. Long Expansion Practicum
  9. Archimedes’ Law Practicum
  10. Bernoulli Hukum Law Practicum

The basic physics laboratory also serves tests from parties outside the Physics Department, especially in the field of calibration of measuring instruments in the Calibration room.

Laboratory Information
Laboratory Lecturer :

  1. Dr. Fuad Anwar, S.Si. M.Si
  2. Drs. Suharyana, M.Sc
  3. Dr. Agus Supriyanto, S.Si, M.Si
