Laboratory of Computation

Mohtar Yunianto, S.Si., M.Si.

Head of Laboratory

Research Activity

  • Theoritical and Computational Physics
  • Electronics and Instrumentation
  • Acoustics & Geophysics

The Computing Laboratory is one of the laboratories owned by the Department of Physics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. This laboratory is
located on the 2nd floor of Building B, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, which is
located in the same complex as the Materials Laboratory. This laboratory has the main task as a
place for students for regular practicum with advanced practicum. Regular practicum is a
mandatory practicum for undergraduate students to carry out Computer Programming Practicum
and Computational Physics Practicum. The Computing Laboratory is also used for lecturers and
students who do research such as Final Projects or Thesis.

The Computing Laboratory provides more than 25 computers for computing activities which are
all connected to the internet network. For governance, the Computing Laboratory is led by the
head of the laboratory and assisted by assistants to manage both administration and equipment
maintenance. To support research and development there are several software installed such

1. Matlab
2. 3D Slicer 4.11
3. Embodi3D
4. Autodesk Maximizer
5. Flash Printer
6. Radiant

Laboratory Information

Head of Laboratory: Mohtar Yunanto, S.Si., M.Si.
