Student Community Service (KKN)

Website KKN

About KKN

Guide Book KKN

Step of Registration KKN

Student Community Service (SCS) or locally better known by the Indonesian acronym KKN or Kuliah Kerja Nyata. KKN is an activity in the form of community service carried out by students with aspects of education, teaching, and research. Students are expected to apply the knowledge gained during the learning process on campus to the community, as well as gain experience in learning and working in community-building activities in a more real way. By participating in KKN students should have new knowledge, new feelings, new abilities, and new awareness about problems and how to solve problems faced by society.

Some lecturers of Physics UNS also acted as a Field Supervisory Board  (DPL) in several KKN programs, one of which is  Sorja Koesuma, S.Si., M.Si as the field supervisory board with KKN students who have made efforts to organize disaster management for the community. The KKN locations in Gunung Wuled Village and Panusupan Village, Rembang District, Purbalingga Regency are high-risk areas for landslides and some floods. Therefore, KKN students together with the community carry out landslide risk reduction activities in the area.

The disaster KKN carried out by several universities at this time has not touched the actual disaster aspect. The resolution of disaster cases in the village has not involved community participation, where when the KKN has been completed, the community will return to normal, meaning that when a disaster occurs they do not feel ready to face it.

There are still many people who do not have a high enough awareness of disasters. Whereas in Indonesian the potential for disasters has increased such as mountain eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides, and others. This lack of public awareness can increase the risk faced by a disaster. Through the Disaster Risk Reduction Community Service it is hoped that the community and students can understand the threat of disaster risk in an area.

This KKN implementation method is carried out in a participatory manner by all elements of society, both village government and non-village government. Efforts to support disaster risk reduction carried out by KKN students are by conducting socialization and training in disaster management, making disaster risk maps, making evacuation routes, and making landslide early warning system tools. The installation of the Early Warning System (EWS) tool or landslide early warning tool is carried out by students and residents working together to install it in locations that have the potential for landslides. With the installation of this tool, it is hoped that soil movement and the danger of landslides in Gunung Wuled Village and Pasunupan Village can be detected as early as possible so that residents can be more responsive and minimize disaster risk, especially casualties.

The implementation of the thematic Student Community Service on disaster risk reduction is expected to bring benefits to local villagers, especially in understanding disaster. The existence of literacy that is carried out from an early age aims to provide understanding to the community about the importance of disaster mitigation, as well as reminding them that disasters can come at any time.